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New Funding agreement 2024

Full scholarships


We are delighted about the successful new funding agreement between Bildung fördert Entwicklung e.V. and the Mathare Community Center Library!


The new funding agreement initially enables 10 students from the Ndururuno Secondary School in Mathare to attend school free of financial worries.

Bildung fördert Entwicklung e.V. supports the students with a full scholarship that covers school fees, school uniforms and required learning materials.

The young people had problems due to a lack of fees and other necessary school materials.


With this scholarship, they have a chance of getting grades that enable them to take courses at public universities.

Bildung fördert Entwicklung e.V. and the Mathare Community Center Library are convinced that education is a useful tool in combating poverty. These young people therefore have a significant opportunity to change their lives and those of their families!


We are very grateful to the donors who support Education Promotes Development e.V. and wish the students every success!




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