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Scholarship holder's feedback


We recently spoke with our scholarship recipient Rajab Kibe Hassan about his current scholarship:


BfE: Hello Rajab, you have been a scholarship holder at Bildung fördert Entwicklung e.V. for some time now and are studying Construction Management. Can you tell us something about your current situation?


Rajab: First of all, I would like to say that I am very grateful to the association for its ongoing support. It is not easy for me to deal with the hardships of life here, but your support makes it much easier for me. I am glad that you are covering the rent for my small room and the tuition fees.
Unfortunately, education in Kenya has become significantly more expensive, especially the fees for master's programs have doubled. My university is also inadequately equipped, for example, there are far too few computers in the library.

BfE: Has this situation also contributed to the unrest among Generation Z, which the media is also reporting on in Germany?

Rajab: Yes, exactly. Even though the new tax laws were initially repealed, the cost of food, public transport and healthcare has increased dramatically, making it very difficult for many families to provide for basic needs. This is true for me too. Many students do not have the funds to pay for books, tuition fees and other necessary equipment, so many of my fellow students have taken part in peaceful protests, which have been met with a harsh response from the government.

BfE: How do you see your future in these difficult times?

Rajab: During the protests we received a lot of solidarity from people who support our goals, which gives me courage. In addition, the support of donors from Germany enables me to continue with my education. I don't just mean this in a financial sense, it is also important to be encouraged and to hold on to the hope for better prospects in the future. Knowing that there are people who believe in my potential and are actively committed to my success is a great confirmation that I should not lose sight of my goals.





